Sunday, July 11, 2010

Play, play, play

How's this for an ant hill?

We took time out to play the tourist, and spent a day at Litchfield Park. The weather was glorious, not a cloud in the sky and just a light wind blowing. Absolutely perfect for a day in the bush. These termite mounds are found everywhere up here, although these seem to be bigger than most. They are called Cathedral mounds for obvious reasons. There are also Magnetic termite mounds, the termites align their mounds on a north-south axis. This is done for temperature control of their nests.

Tolmer falls

Then on to Walker Creek, very aptly named as it took us at least an hour to walk to camp no. 7 where there is a beautiful swimming hole. The water was just delightfull, just what was needed after a hot and sweaty walk. Only problem is that it was an hour back to the car, so we got back just as hot and sweaty. From there we went to Tolmer Falls, which as you can see is very pretty. From there onto Florence Falls where some very brave (or foolish) young men jumped off the top of the falls into the pool below. Not sure how high it is, but certainly VERY high!! The rocks below are typical of the area, truly amazing rock formations are scattered throughout the area.

After stopping in Batchelor for fuel and an ice-cream we headed off for the 120 km trip back to the boat. A wonderful if tiring day.

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