Thursday, February 16, 2012



I haven’t posted for awhile, so first I will bring things up to date. On the 11th August 2011, Tony and I flew to Paris; this entailed a 4 hour bus trip that took 6 hours, a 13 hour trip from Kuala Lumpur (with Airasia of course) and then the Paris metro to Gallieni bus station. Two hours, four trains and many miles up and down stairs and ramps we finally made it. The bus trip to Eindhoven took another 6 hours which made a grand total of 27 hours; no wonder we were tired when we arrived at Tony’s sisters’ place.

Annelies and her husband Pieter, and their 2 daughters Renske and Suzan live in Asten, a town in the south of Holland. This is the town where Tony grew up, and where I met and married him, so this was also a trip down memory lane.

We had gone to Holland as Tony’s eldest sister and her husband were celebrating their fortieth wedding anniversary. We spent 3 weeks catching up with family, and even managed to go to a boat show on the north of Holland.

We flew back to Kuala Lumpur from Paris on the 4th of September, and then flew to Australia on the ninth. Yep, just call us the jet-setters! We certainly do seem to spend a lot of time in the air. After a quick visit to family, friends, doctor, accountant, bank, and Whitworth's boat shop it was back to Malaysia and Sunray II on the 28th where we proceeded to settle back into cruising mode.

We left Danga Bay on the the first of november after spending just over 1 year there, really was time to move on. We anchored somewhere every night and arrived at Port Dickson on the fourth, where we spent a couple of days before heading out on the 8th for an overnighter to Pangkor Island. All was well until 3am when we were caught in the centre of a HUGE storm. There was lightning all around us, but no wind or rain as we were in the eye of the storm. Very eerie.

That night we anchored off the bottom of the island and the next day we entered Pangkor Marina, where we planned to haul out to do some much needed maintenance. We had planned to be back in the water before we flew back to Melbourne for Christmas, but this was not to be, so we left Sunray II high and dry while we enjoyed Christmas with our family.

The highlight was of course the wedding of our daughter Angela to her partner Craig. What a wonderful day it was.

Back to Pangkor on the 27th of January, and after another fortnight of hard work Sunray II was returned to her natural environment and we are prepared for our next adventure. We are off to Thailand so stay tuned.

For those landlubbers who constantly ask what our boat is like on the inside, the following photos are for them.





Cathy and Eric said...

Wonderful blog Joanne. It was really nice to spend time with you both at anchor in Kuah. Have a great trip to Thailand

Suzan said...

Volendam! Ik weet het nog als de dag van gisteren. Ik vond het erg leuk!
