Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Work, work, work

We are currently in Tipperary Waters Marina, which is a small marina not too far from town, in an area called Stuart Park. It might be small in size, but it is big on friendliness and helpfulness. All marinas here are accessed via locks, and this one is no exception. As we came up to the lock it looked very small indeed, but once we were in there was still room to spare.

We have been very busy doing jobs on the boat, I have repaired sails, been up both masts all morning repairing our deck lights, been to customs to start clearout procedures, found out about duty free alcohol delivered to the boat, off to the Indonesian Embassy for our visas, organising health insurance and boat insurance and the million and one other things necessary to get Sunray II and ourselves ready for I day (indonesian day). Tony has also been busy with batteries, outboard motors, engine bits and refuelling.

Hope to get the rest of our chores done this week so that we can get in some sightseeing before mum arrives on the 10th July.

After all that figured we needed some R & R so went to the casino for lunch to yesterday with Margaret and Neil from Bluestone and David from Mirage to celebrate Margaret's birthday. And a good time was had by all.

Today is NT day, they really celebrate with a bang up here!! The fireworks started at 7.30 pm and are still going at 10.30 pm. Have been told they could continue until midnight. This is the only state in Australia where individuals can still buy fireworks and millions of dollars are spent and set off in just one evening. While I enjoy a fireworks display, it gets a bit much when it goes on this long.

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