Thursday, July 22, 2010

Room with a View

Fannie Bay
Well, it is Thursday evening, and we have had a very busy few weeks. We have loaded the boat with food, drink, spares, gifts and a thousand other things that need stowing SOMEWHERE! We have been sightseeing with Mum, out to lunch and dinner with friends and family, shared sundowners with fellow yachties and generally had a thoroughly good time.

Darwin Skyline
The photos were taken from our boat, this is the view we have every day. We have better waterfront views than the mansions on the shore, as there is nothing obstructing our view. And in another couple of days the view will change again when we head off to Indonesia. Not sure what day that will be, as it looks like the seas are going to be rough out there for a few days, so we might just avoid that if we can. The First Mate has been known to get seasick under those conditions, which makes the Skipper,s job (he of the cast iron stomach) much harder. So this is to be avoided if at all possible.

Tomorrow our duty free grog arrives, it actually gets delivered to Fannie Bay by the company, so that makes life easy. Then we clear Customs tomorrow, also easy as they come down to Fannie bay at the Yacht Club and process it on site. There is definately something to be said for joining a rally. When there are more than 100 boats involved things become very streamlined.
Mum, brother Fred and sister-in-law Annika will come to the club as well to spend some time with us and to say goodbye. It has been great having Mum here to spend time with and be able to farewell in person instead of on the phone. Mum has been knitting madly while she was here and has managed to knit a couple more baby jackets for us to take with us.
The next blog should come to you from somewhere in Indonesia, after a very CALM passage.

1 comment:

margie said...

Looks GREAT!! Have a ball, we'll be following you all the way. We KNOW the weather will shine on you all -- Marg and Brian