Friday, November 5, 2010



Before we leave Bali altogether,there is one more report to be filed. A local orphanage BENIH KASIH had been performing at the evening cultural shows, so it was decided to arrange some sort of collection for them. After trying to organise a charity sail race or something, we realised we had left it too late as most of the yachts were leaving the next day, so we decided to do a whip around instead.

We managed to collect 6.25 million rupiah ($775.00) which would cover the total running cost of the orphanage for one month. There were also other donations such as school books, pencils, pens, toys, clothes for all ages etc so all we needed was to get it to them. It was arranged for a representative of the orphanage together with three of the orphans to come down to the beach on the morning of our departure to accept our gifts.

Next morning at 0830 a.m. lucy, Miriam and Mohamed arrived with the director of the orphanage. Chris from Amulet am I offered the kids a dinghy ride. To see their smiling faces as they each had a turn to drive the dinghy was just priceless.


Back on the beach the money was handed over and all the goodies were piled up on the table. The look on their faces said it all! The orphanage decided to use part of the money (2 million) to buy a cow for their farm. They teach the children animal husbandry, vegetable farming, gardening, accounting etc. and those who are capable are being put through university.


So that was Bali, on to Karimunjawa 285 n.m. away. It should take us three days and two nights to get there.

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