Saturday, November 13, 2010




We left Bali at 3.00 pm for Karimunjawa, some 331 nm away. Leaving at this time should get us offshore before dark and arrive at our destination around lunch time three days from now. For once the theory worked, and after a relatively uneventful passage (if you don’t count thunderstorms, kamikaze fishing boats and dodging large ships) we arrived at the beautiful island of Karimunjawa.


White sandy beaches, palm trees, clear clear water, clean towns and very friendly people make this one of the best stops so far. Unfortunately, the first night in a big storm came through so not many attended the welcome ceremony as we put the safety of our boats first.
There were about fifteen boats anchored here, which made for a nice group. We found the only “warang” (restaurant sort of) just around the corner from the wharf. The food was amazing and the prices even more so. Ten cents for a banana fritter $1.50 for nasi goreng etc. certainly not worth cooking on board.To get an idea of what it was like, check out the plumbing!

Once again some of us hired bikes; it really is the best way to get around to see things. Very little traffic, mostly bikes with the occasional car thrown in. Some of the hills were very steep; there is obviously no limit on the gradient of the road. The scenery was once again spectacular.


One morning we visited the local primary school during their English lesson so that they could ask us questions and so practice their English skills. The children, as elsewhere in Indonesia were absolutely delightful.

The rest of the day was taken up with a cultural and food festival. We could try all different types of local food, watch local dances and speak with locals which was great.


All in all this has been a very relaxing time after the hustle and bustle of Bali where the hawkers are relentless in trying to sell you something from the moment you step ashore to the moment you step back into your dinghy. Here they leave you to browse as you will without being pushy, which certainly makes for a nice change.

From here we head off to Belitung, 285 nm away and our last stop in Indonesia.

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